Accident Sketcher [Flash][AS2][PHP]

Flash actionscript 2 based drag and drop accident visualizer. Can't Give out too much information about it but here is the complete result. Will provide tutorials on different parts of the program one stage at a time.
because this requires php can't directly embed here. just follow the link below.

Button less Bump Sensor [C , Atmel AVR]

Schimmelbusch Music Video

A music video made for schimmelbusch for their song "The clock stops once"

Lesson learnt, when doing animation that you will want to export as a movie. Do not use anything fancy like actionscripting or loops in movie clips.

Do the standard on main stage animation.

Anything else you will have to use a record while the swf is playing converters. which was what i have done. Quality would be sacrificed.

Enjoy :D

Youtube FLV version

SWF version

xcelerate & macrae lawyers identity

Designed logo's for xceleratenow , xcelerate legal ,macrae lawyers and uplifted xcelerate insurance recoveries's logo.

Designed name cards ,banners and website.

This is my prefered version of the macrae lawyers banner :D

some wallpapers used in the office

The first web-design i did when i first joined xcelerate in SEP 2008. [xcelerate insurance recoveries]

Modified from a template from flashden.

actionscript water ripple effect and fish follow mouse follow fish effect.

PrettyClub 2006 [Photoshop]

Logo Design,
WebSite Layout Design
Done in Photoshop.

Image Processing II [Matlab Image Processing][Flash]

elec4600 - Signal and Image Processing.
There were 5 Assignments all together in this subject.
Shown below is 2 of the more interesting assignments.

1. Detecting Road Lines with Hough Transform and some custom filtering

Result from Hough Transform Algorithm.
Lines are then selected based on some distinctive characteristic.

Remaining lines are then used to find the vanishing point.
The vanishing point is then used to do more line selection filtering.
Which gives the final result seen on the right below.

2. Blood Vessel Size - (Uses the Snake Method).

Detection from 10 still images
Using the snake or rubber band idea,
where a shrinking band is used to wrap
the outer layer of the vessel ,and an expanding
band is used to outline the inner layer of the vessel.
This is repetitively implemented on 10 images
of the blood vessel. which is then wrapped together
to produced a short clip seen here in a flash file.

THESIS | [J2ME ] Mobile Phone Barcode Reader (internal camera)

Brief Description

A one year duration thesis. The main goal was to make a barcode scanner utilizing the inbuilt camera.

There were many ways in implementing this feature. The main idea i have decided on was as a stock management tool. Where home users to medium sized business such as those on ebay can use this tool to update the database in their computer automatically.

Basically the user just need to capture the barcode on the product they are going to ship out or is sold and it will automatically update the database, more examples will be such as defect or a new product or if user wants to edit details of a certain product.

This software is made with J2ME(JAVA) and runs on s60 and s40s. Currently trying to improve recognition on the s40 which has bad resolution and low memory.


The main program is based on Batoo (Barcode tool kit) by Robert Adelmann,


The Mobile phone has evolved from being a simple communication device to become a multipurpose device with advanced features such as camera device, video capabilities, and mp3 player. Using the internal Camera Device we will implement the Barcode Scanner.

This research is not intended to replace nor compete with the laser barcode scanners but instead to introduce a different variant of usage of the barcode and the camera device.

A Mobile phone Barcode scanner, although slower in recognition speed provides better mobility, flexibility and simplicity. Targeting home users and home-based online business owners, this technology provides a better solution as all they need is to install a small application into their java enabled mobile phones.

The scanner, in the form of a J2ME midlet in the mobile phone scans only EAN13 Barcodes but could be easily adapted to scan other barcodes. Tested only on NOKIA 6280, N70, N73,and Nav.6110. The scanner will first convert the coloured image to black and white which then employs the multi-scan line algorithm scanning with horizontal lines from top to bottom. It also applies the majority-voting system, where inaccuracies due to dirt or reflections are compensated by 2 or more correct identifications on other lines. The number will then be processed to check the format of the code. It also tries to repair the code by making an erudite guess. The scanner employs the Bluetooth and GPRS as its communication platform with the pc server.

Progress report 1 (Barcode Information)

The abstract

Mobile phone has evolved from being a simple communication device to become a
multipurpose device with extra features like camera device, video capabilities, and mp3
player. Having all this extra features we are able to introduce a barcode scanner to this
already feature rich device. Although laser barcode scanners are available, mobile phones
scanners provides better mobility, flexibility and simplicity. We can also introduce this
technology to home users, as all they need is to install a small application into their camera,
and java enabled mobile phones.

This paper will discuss on the common EAN-13 barcode in detail and briefly on some
algorithms used to retrieve the barcode data from the image captured from the internal
camera device. Based on these theoretical discussions a brief solution proposal will be

A brief project plan is described with a list of milestones and expected completion dates. This
should form a rough time management guide to ensure that the thesis be completed by the
required time.

The software will capture the image and convert it to the number value.

Then request via bluetooth for the list of options, which is saved in the computer in XML format.
The list will be something like


This list will be display on the mobile for the user to select what it wants to do with the barcode they have captured.

After selecting this option the mobile phone will then send the barcode with the options in the form:


1 meaning sold.

The server on the computer will receive this data and output it to an XML output file.

The reason i have decided this is to enable a separation between the server and the database handling software. Splitting the software on the pc as SERVER and Database Application will enable development of these entities to be done without interfering or dependent on each other. The database application can be made of various platforms or technology, as long as it can read the XML file (which basically just a formatted text file)

Initially i decided to use FLASH as the user interface but writing to files on flash requires PHP which requires apache server. Which will be troublesome for a user to setup.

Trying to target as large scope of users as possible i wanted an easier setup kind of interface. Trying to make sure it will work on macintosh as well as a pc platform i had to rule out c++.

leaving me with Java or Excel(assuming user has excel on mac)

I have Finally decided to go with FLASH using its internal database system known as
Local Shared Objects. Is it still in the finalizing process but u can have a preview of it in
the poster above.

This program is to be able to run on s40s and s60 and currently is only being tested on NOKIA & Sony Erricsson phones.

Before using the source codes read through the Thesis report first.
Progress report
Thesis Report
Source Codes

ThunderStruck [PHOTOSHOP]

Logo and name card design

Some old Web Design works[FLASH][PHP][PHOTOSHOP]
a personal site to sell hosting and templates from template monster.
Self - owned company for selling Repackaged design of printable chocolates during valentines day.

web design for a feng shui school
web design

Udp based Chat Program [JAVA]

requires newest Java to run (1.5.0...)


A java based chat program using the UDP protocol.

The chat program consist of 3 separate entities.

1-NameServer serves as the centre to save and manage multiple ChatServer details.
ChatClient first connects to NameServer to get details about the ChatServer they wish
to connect to.

2-ChatServer servers as the centre to save and manage Chats between ChatClients.

3-ChatClients ,this is the user interface ,where the user chats with other ChatClients
connected within the same ChatServer.

Read the comments in the JAVA files for instructions or see the flash tutorial-presentation
on how to use and how the program works. The flash is in .exe(executable file) available in the [UdpJavaChat.rar]


TEAM PROJECT 2 [TempSensor]

click on vertices(white circle points) to show the temperature for that instance.

Load >> [TempSensor]

This was a team project ,my teammates:
and we are onUQ's Honour Board (BEST TEAM)

Stuart Mckenzie
Nathan Ting
Fadley Mohd.
chee chien,chew (ME ;) )

This is a working product, although we could only transmit 2m ;(
Basically the product is divided into 4 parts


[PC LISTENER] (java)

[click here to download report 5- Final design report]

(some image from the report)


Final result
Mechanical layout
Electical diagram

Final result

Mechanical layout

Electrical diagram

Mathematical illustration of artifical 3d coordinates (read the report)

Organism growth visualisation [JAVA]

requires newest Java to run (1.5.0...)

1 - Algorithms and Data structures [organism.rar]

This assignment was basically trying to create a program (uses hash table system) that shows how an organism grows starting from a single cell.

Further explanation of the use of the program and how the program works ,AFTER MY EXAMS haha so for now here is the sample of the program. with some sample organism rule.
The program takes the rule and grows the organism in 2d .

Also take note this is just a basic system as the growth of the organism is much more complex and butterfly transforms from a catterpillar and doesnt grow from a single cell lol.

Any how check out my SuperButterfly it was a bonus question. and there was extra marks for flair.. so i went crazy with it haha.

PLEASE read the README.TXT to see how to use my program. please email me or message me if u need help with running this program ;)


Here is the compilation of my flash work and some design stuff back in high school. Approximately 6 years ago.They are chronologically lined out starting from the newest to the oldest.Right back to when i was using flash 4 ;)

[1] - [EnhancedCv.rar | Sky ]

Last intense Flash i did.3 years ago.A compilation of my previous work to try to apply for a flash placement in ASTRO Malaysia. but in the end i didnt send it in .Coz i think i was'nt good enough yet.(-_-)"

thats why its in .exe format. wanted to make sure they could see it.Didnt want to take my I could'nt find back the original .FLA file so this would be the only format available for viewing. Iv zipped it up so that all the other related files are packaged together.Just clicked on the enhancedbio.exe file once u have unzipped it.
Enjoy ;)

[2] - [ N2.html | Sky ]

Another portfolio site i setup just for fun. did it mostly in macintosh. Well basically most of my things back then was done in Mac. It was actually made to test out draggable and collapsable characteristics.

Ps: if it doesnt play.Right click and press play.

[3] - [ Blender.swf | Sky ]

haha This was made for a friend "**" who wanted to use it for her assignment on multimedia i think... and it was about fruits! haha. so i just modified it and put my first portfolio up.But the links in this thing doesnt work.Just have a look for fun !

Ps: if it doesnt play.Right click and press play.

[4] - [ Neo.swf | Sky ]

2nd animation i did with flash. A scene in MATRIX 1 where Trinity and Neo went in to some building to create ultimate chaos HAHA. Have a look this is fun!I used sounds from Counter Strike! ;) i had lots of fun doing this. Lookin back wondering why i stopped.

This is actually best viewed in EnhancedCv here u can see the sides... so i recommend downloading EnhancedCv for best or just right click and save it to your desktop and run with the flash player

[5] - [ Millenium | Sky ] [ mainpage.html | Sky]

This was also a site i made for a friend.Pretty elaborate site. I loved the main interface and the intro site. The links on this things arent working coz they were linking to the free server sites, i think it was lycos or fireangel or something like that.bcoz the links are embeded in the swf there is noway for me to edit them. And i keep losing my .flas for this stuff i donno why.

Oh yeah and i forgot to mention its a site about Backstreet Boys's millenium album.

[6] - [ SMKBBSP | Sky ]

One of the first Flash based things i did. It was for my high school website. Which we were the pioneers.;p

Unpublished AS [Flash]

This is the unpublished version of Aspirasi Awansari .This is the flash version which was abandon. As during the time Malaysia broadband wasnt up to standard yet. Streamyx wasnt widely available and introduced yet therefore the loading time for a flash based website wasnt acceptable. Therefore the html version was created instead as can be seen at

[ ASV2.swf | Sky ]


some old cover page.

Simple ,Efficient FILE LOCK

Here is a cool and simple way to lock your files from prying eyes. Without using any software ,it is just a technique.

If you are Using Windows XP open any folder and and click on the

Tools>Folder Option>View>
and unselect the Hide Extensions of known file types.

This will release the file extension which is by default is hidden.( File extension means .txt, .jpg , .doc etc.)
By renaming the file extension ,automatically Windows Xp and most windows would not recognize the file. Even an unexperienced spy would ignore the file . Eg : renaming your secret text files that contains your credit card details to filename.mpg or filename.dll or something you like ,like

One more cool example would be renaming your files into .zip or .rar files. The spy would try to unzip it but... its not even ZIP! haha cool huh (zip means compressed file).

This is a very weak protection but is a very good protection.There are a few ways to break this .

1) If its a video file just force load it on VLC media Player. VLC media player doesnt care what extension it uses if it is a video file with format it knows it will play it.

2) If its a text file, doesnt matter if its Microsoft .doc or .pdf you can just force open with notepad. Text file are harder to lock with this method but will make it harder to find. because any file can be open as text file and if it is in some kind of text format it can be viewed with notepad, without the formatting of course ,infact those formatting would appear like jibberish. Try opening .doc in notepad. Therefore it is safer to save your text documents in image files, using bitmaps or any image editor with text writing capabilities.Or you could take an image of your document using print screen and paste in microsoft paint.

3) load the files in Macintosh operating systems. the Mac OS doesnt use files extension systems like the windows but rather reads the header of files to identify its class.There is also away to lock this.

Besides reading extensions of files Operating System and applications also read HEADERS of the file.Usually the beginning of every files there is a header sometimes text introducing it self. Telling applications and OS what file type,size and etc. about it self. Try opening a video file with a notepad to see for yourself,but becareful not to open large files. Notepad has a file size limit. Get wordpad or other more powerful text editor and you might be able to open those larger video files. Also you could use a HEX editor. Anyway what im trying to say here is but cutting out the header of these files you would add another level of security to locking your files. These header you could save it in another file .If you want to send sensitive information then you could send this file separate from your main file.

Actually the method discussed here is not a lock Rather its a way to make your file NOT RECOGNIZABLE to your operating system and application, by taking out data that tells the computer what data it is.

There is more complexity you could add to this system, which could make it feasible to be used more generally. But i havent had the time nor the need to write up a program. ;)

Flying Star ( Feng Shui )[ Flash ]

This is a lecture presentation made for a Feng Shui Lecturer in Malaysia teaching Feng Shui ( Geomancy ).This tutorial is about the basic of how to use Flying Star. This is what you see those Feng shui master do when they fiddle with their fingers. Though it would take too much time and it wouldnt be in the right section so ill leave explaining how to use the flying star some other time... or if u are really interested email me .. If there is enough interest i might just write up an explanation. But for now, for those that know the fundamentals enjoy...

*Note :
Because i have lost the fonts for the FLA i didnt want to risk changing the font and messing up the whole presentation so i decided to just tell you how to use it.

Press the RIGHT key to proceed and when the Main Flying star numbers have been flown out mouse over at the bottom of the page will show the details to Fly ying or Fly Yang.

View : Flying Star | Sky
This is a lecture presentation made for a Feng Shui Lecturer in Malaysia teaching Feng Shui ( Geomancy ).This tutorial is about the basic of how to use Flying Star. This is what you see those Feng shui master do when they fiddle with their fingers. Though it would take too much time and it wouldnt be in the right section so ill leave explaining how to use the flying star some other time... or if u are really interested email me .. If there is enough interest i might just write up an explanation. But for now, for those that know the fundamentals enjoy...

*Note :
Because i have lost the fonts for the FLA i didnt want to risk changing the font and messing up the whole presentation so i decided to just tell you how to use it.

Press the RIGHT key to proceed and when the Main Flying star numbers have been flown out mouse over at the bottom of the page will show the details to Fly ying or Fly Yang.

View : Flying Star | Sky

EnviroMission Windpower [ Flash ]

This was an assignment i did for my diploma in Computer System engineering in informatics.

I was to examine pros and cons of each wind system designed. Do research and provide an original and feasible wind power design that will meet the demand of today power consumptions. Due to my belief that depending on the wind generated by nature is insufficient i have based the research largely on the air-thermal wind power system .Where enviro-mission has one planning to be built in australia and it is now in the 3rd planning stage.

>> Wind Power Research Word Document

>> Click here to have a look at the enviro-mission
air-thermal wind power website.

The website also has video by Beyond 2000 about the experimental one build in manzares,Spain near madrid. It was funded by the German Ministry of Research and Technology (BMFT).

Based on the model i have conceptually designed 3 different ways on improving the system.

Here i will dicuss briefly on the 3 conceptual ideas in the presentation please have a look at the presentation of the links above to understand the basic model first.

  1. The first idea was to put the model on a water source like a lake or seaside. The idea was to use the water as heat keeper to be released back at night and also take advantage of the water condensating at the rooftop where a water catchment built to draw evaporated water.Therefore we have both power and clean water as these water does not contain any mineral properties it would suit industrial and toilet water usage.
  2. The second one is based on the scientist Victor Scharberger this is a bit hard to explain thus is best explained in the flash presentation .This idea floats around very complex idea close to free power. As this is just based on my understanding i could be wrong. Therefore would need you to read through about Victor Scharberger's work and see if what i theorized here is right.. Feedback on this would be cool
  3. This is my favourite as i see the idea pretty feasible .This one is very well explained in the flash presentation.It also uses the idea from Victor about twirling winds .

Here are the links to all my research and all the links above are repeated here for easy navigation.

+ Wind Power Research Word Document
+ Flash Presentation Wind power
+ Enviro Mission
+ Viktor schauberger