Accident Sketcher [Flash][AS2][PHP]

Flash actionscript 2 based drag and drop accident visualizer. Can't Give out too much information about it but here is the complete result. Will provide tutorials on different parts of the program one stage at a time.
because this requires php can't directly embed here. just follow the link below.

Button less Bump Sensor [C , Atmel AVR]

Schimmelbusch Music Video

A music video made for schimmelbusch for their song "The clock stops once"

Lesson learnt, when doing animation that you will want to export as a movie. Do not use anything fancy like actionscripting or loops in movie clips.

Do the standard on main stage animation.

Anything else you will have to use a record while the swf is playing converters. which was what i have done. Quality would be sacrificed.

Enjoy :D

Youtube FLV version

SWF version

xcelerate & macrae lawyers identity

Designed logo's for xceleratenow , xcelerate legal ,macrae lawyers and uplifted xcelerate insurance recoveries's logo.

Designed name cards ,banners and website.

This is my prefered version of the macrae lawyers banner :D

some wallpapers used in the office

The first web-design i did when i first joined xcelerate in SEP 2008. [xcelerate insurance recoveries]

Modified from a template from flashden.

actionscript water ripple effect and fish follow mouse follow fish effect.